+420 603 824 497 petr.hoska@hoska-tour.cz
+420 603 824 497 petr.hoska@hoska-tour.cz



Village Monument Reserve Vesec u Sobotky
A small village situated between the Humprecht and Kost castles. There are timber cottages at the Village. It was proclaimed a village conservation area in 1995. Vesec is a popular place for film crews, who filmed many movies here, mostly fairy tales.
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Jičín square czech fairy tail
Freedom of the city since the early 14th century. It flourished especially in the first half of the 17th century when it was owned by Albrecht from Wallenstein. Jičín was proclaimed a town´s reservation due to its sights. The Baroque chateau (there are a museum, a town´s gallery, a permanent exposition of the work of academic painter R. Pilář and Hall...
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Malá Skála
The first mentions about this summer resort in the valley of Jizera river date from 1432. On the rock ridge above the right bank of Jizera there is a romantic Pantheon and a chateau from 1700 that was later given an Empire appearance. Nowadays it is used for economic purposes. There are many folk timbered...
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The town was founded in the 13th century by Jaroslav and Havel from the Markvartic family on a headland above Jizera river. It developed into an important center of trade and crafts. Cutting of precious stones and unique production of jewels from the Bohemian garnets made Turnov world-wide known. In 1884 Secondary school of Applied...
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Square in Sobotka
A town founded in 1498 from an original market village. The Renaissance town hall with a tower that was reconstructed in the Empire style, a Gothic-Renaissance church of St. Mary Magdalene and one or two-storey houses belong to the town´s zone of sights. Sobotka is the birthplace of the poets V. Šolc and F. Šrámek. There is a permanent exposition in Šrámek ´s...
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Bohemian Paradise nature wildlife beaver
A ruin of a small Gothic rock castle from the late 14th century and early 15th century. It was burned down after it had become a refuge of robbers. Only remnants of rooms cut in the rock, a stone tower and the peripheral walls were preserved. Groschen of Wenceslaus IV. were found here.
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Malá Skála
They used to be called the Teacher´s organ. They are also named the Czech Dolomites. A natural place of interest (23 hectares, proclaimed in 1965) situated 1,5 km from Malá skála. In the landscape, it is a really attractive sandstone sharply broken ridge.
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Bohemian Paradise nature wildlife beaver
A classical chateau from 1769 which was rebuilt to gain a Neo – Baroque appearance in 1913. Nowadays it is used for economic purposes. An originally Gothic church from the 14th century, that was rebuilt in the Baroque style, has been preserved. A wooden belfry from the 18th century.
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Oborský pond hiking
A romantic valley of Klenice stream flanked by sandstone rocks and pine forests between Kost castle and Střehom. The 1,5 ha Obora lake overgrown with rushes adds charm to the place. It was a favorite spot of poet F. Šrámek.
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The highest peak (744 m) in the area, a part of the Ještěd and Kozákov hills ridge, a 162,83 ha national natural monument established in 1985. The hill is made of three types of rocks – melaphyre (S and SE crown with precious stones findings – in the Votrubcov quarry), sandstone (SW slope, for example,...
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